If you are interested in more detailed information about all viruses, that AVAST32 currently recognizes, click on the name of "Viruses" sheet. This sheet contains a complete list of all the basic types of viruses.
Similarly to all other sheets, this one is also divided into two parts. On the left the user has the possibility to select the first letter or digit of the virus name, about which he would like to learn more detailed information. The viruses, the names of which start with the character selected, will appear together with their characteristics in the right part of the sheet.
Viruses can spread out basically in the following ways: as a part of an executable file, as a macro of a certain document ("macroviruses"), or by rewriting the boot sector (the sector which is read when initializing a system) of a disk.
The first three columns provided for after the virus name correspond to all the above listed ways. Thus, if a column at the virus in question contains "!!!" (three exclamation marks), it means that this virus infects the computer system using that given way.
The "Memory" column says whether the virus may be present in the operation memory of the infected computer on a long-term basis (it is called resident).
The next column contains the information on whether the virus is situated on the ITW list, which is the list of the most frequent viruses.
The last column marked "Care !!" (three exclamation marks) informs you about the dangerous nature of the virus. If you should find the marking "!!!" (three exclamation marks) at a virus, you had better not alter with it. The viruses marked this way are very difficult to remove from computers, or they may seriously damage your data. The removal of such viruses should be done by somebody who is really experienced!
If you mark a virus on the list situated in the right part of the "Viruses" sheet, its brief characteristic will appear in the text box in the lower part. It actually concerns a understandable listing of the contents of particular columns as they are described.
The left part of the "Viruses" sheet contains, besides alphanumeric and other characters also two special items. By using the "ITW" item it is possible to display in the right part of the sheet a list of all viruses from the current VPS file, which are found on the ITW list.
In a similar way also the "Care !!" item is working providing that the most dangerous viruses will appear on the list in the right part of the sheet. Since it is necessary to explore the entire VPS file in order to find the viruses from the two above named items, their displaying can take some time.
No more detailed description of the all known viruses, their activities and special features is available. It is neither achievable, nor useful to find out all and every detail with regard to each virus especially due to their huge amount. The individuals who are interested in more detailed information on a certain virus are asked to contact the staff of our company who will be glad to provide them with the information required.